Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Rocky Mountain High, by John Denver

I like listening to music. As I mentioned in one of my other posts, I like listening to my I-Pod. Although I do sometimes listen to music off of Myspace, which I mentioned I'm on in my first post. My favorite song artist is John Denver. Of his songs, my favorite one is Rocky Mountain High. I have a lot of his songs on both my I-Pod and on Myspace account.

There are some songs that I can get bored of, if I hear too much, like Piano Man by Billy Joel. Sometimes that song get played a lot on the radio, and I get bored of hearing it. With John Denver's songs, specifically Rocky Mountain High, I could never get bored of hearing them. I could listen to Rocky Mountain High 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and I'd never get bored of it. Though, I never listen to just that song, because I always have it mixed in with all my other favorite John Denver songs. I have a playlist on my Youtube channel that has just Rocky Mountain High in it, although I rarely use it, because as I mentioned it is my favorite song, but I like all his other songs too. And that's my 5 cents on Rocky Mountain High! See ya later. :)

Swimming while camping with friends.

I've posted a few posts about water before, but when I get on a roll talking about a topic I can have several posts that revolve around the same general thing. This might be my last post on water for a while. However, this post will have the majority of water, but it'll also be about my friends and I camping. Music is also something I've been posting a bit about. And a bit of both together. That also will have one more post than I might move onto something else. It's getting to be winter, so I'll probably do some posts on snow sometime soon. So, here I am, talking about swimming while camping with friends or wearing wet cloths around a campfire which is the first title I had before I change it to encompass a little bit more. I actually got the idea to talk a little about this from a different post I made at one point. I have taken several different types of vacations, one of them being camping. Before hand, I've talked about being caught in the rain and other incidents regarding water that sound like disasters. This one won't sound like that, I knew what I was getting myself into. It was summer, and me and some of my friends were staying at a cabin with a lake. We wanted the one with a lake, but we didn't realize that was the one we would get. We thought it was taken and we were going to be nowhere near there. So we arrived at our cabin and noticed the lake that was next to it. After being happy that we ended up with the lake after all, we realized that we had a
The dock and lake the cabin was near.
problem. We weren't expecting to go swimming so we hadn't packed any bikini's or swimwear. After we unpacked I thought about it, and decided I wasn't going to let something get in the way of me swimming, if my friends wanted to join me, that would be completely up to them. 10 minutes later, I ran down the dock and dived into the warm water in my tanktop and shorts. A first friend just dived right in after me, she was wearing I little more than I was. The second friend, took off a pair of short overalls she was wearing, before diving in, herself. A few of my other friends were a little more hesitant, one of them told me that she would rather keep her clothes dry, another seemed to avoid it by saying there was something else she'd rather be doing to enjoy herself. I don't blame them, they're not me (I like my swimming, and apparently so do some of my friends) and I wouldn't want to force them to do something they didn't want to do, though I wondered who would back out and who wouldn't. Around 4 or 5, my friends and I who were in the water got out and I started a campfire. Once it was roaring, we all sat around it to dry off. I accept my clothes being wet like this a lot more easily when, I'm not wearing much of it (and nothing formal) and I can easily dry off, like I am here, without having to actually take the clothes off. After we were dry, we roasted marshmallows, and sung while I played the guitar. Naturally I sung some John Denver songs, but we sung a few from a few other artists. The second day consisted of going to a few restaurants, going on a tour and relaxing. The third day was pretty close the the first day, only without the traveling part. Our last day, we left at about 11 in the morning just after having breakfast and packing up. So we stayed at there for 3 days I think. No, 3 nights. It was 4 daysish. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night, and we left on Monday. I had a good time there, and I think all my friends did too. When I left I didn't leave with any regrets. That could be the end of this topic. See you next time with: some snow post.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

My friends (and my) pieces of the Blogosphere.

Hey all you blog readers! Today I'm doing a post on different blogs. As I mentioned in my first post, I started this whole blogging thing because some of my friends were doing it. These are the same friends that I'm also friends with on Myspace. It seems only right to do a bit of a post on a few of my friends blogs as they're the reason why I'm here in the first place. So, here it goes...
This is my friend Chloe. She is known as The Dancing Queen, which is probably why her blog is called that. She mainly posts about dancing.
  To the left is Amanda. She's a girl in my college who plays and blogs about Keen.
 This is Adam. He likes eating and blogs about it as well.
And my third friend who blogs is Dale. He blogs about movies, generally horror movies.
And those are my friends who blog, Chloe, Amanda, Adam and Dale. Have a good week, and I'll see you next time!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Hi. :) One thing you should know about me, is I like bathing. At one point I couldn't sleep so I finished the night in a bathtub. When I say night, I mean it was more of early morning, but I sleep through the early morning so it was as good as the middle of the night for me. Just lying in the warm water in the bathtub sent me right off to sleep for the rest of the night. I sleeped until 9 that day, which I do often. When I bath, I don't general have bubbles in the tub. It's because it gets in the way of me drying, trying to get all those bubbles off with a towl. That's the catch with me bathing or being caught in the rain. It's not the water that worries me, it's the getting dry afterwords. In a bathtub, with no bubbles I just have to dry off without having to get mixed up with the bubbles. If I end up in the rain, and I manage to have been in a bikini, than I can just take that off, fairly easily, throw it in the dryer and dry myself off. But if the rain catches me off guard, like I'm just coming out of the mall, than I have all this cloths that get wet. Then when I get home, I have to pry off my socks, shirt and everything else and it is a pain. Believe me, I've done it more than once, it's not easy. However, jeans are a whole lot heavy when they're wet, but they are still easy enough to get off and I wear jeans a whole lot so that's a plus. Although skinny jeans are a little harder. Though when I talk about ending up in the rain, I talk about over months or a year, I'm not talking about having all this rain in one or two weeks or me having really bad luck. I'm just grabbing all these incidents and throwing them together because it sounds more interesting. It seems to me, that it all depends on how much cloths I'm wearing. If I'm wearing a lot of clothes, then the rain can be a pain. But if I'm wearing very little, like a bikini or mini skirt and tank top, the rain can be almost fun. It's a free shower right? Anyways, back to bathing. My bathtub is white. They only seem to come in one color. I would have taken pink or purple, but obviously I had to have white. Though white it is still a good color, it goes with pink. I did have a red bathmat in front of my bathtub, but recently it was getting a little ragged so I replaced it with a white bathmat. White is the best color for towls and bathmats. I took the liberty to post a picture of my bath mat below. So, yeah, I like taking baths. They're very relaxing. I use a ton of hot water when I have them so I'm glad there's no limit where I am on how much hot water I can use. At one point there was a hot water limit in my college, but I'm not sure if that restriction still applies... At the end of the day, when I'm getting ready for bed, I generally take a shower. Actually, I generally take a shower when I'm trying to get clean, rather then to relax. Although, when I say clean I obviously mean just freshening myself up before bed. I don't get any dirty then how my cloths gets just from me wearing them all day. I always take a shower at night, but it can depend on the day whether it's a shower or bath I take in the morning after I have gotten out of bed. See you on my next post!

Friday, July 25, 2014

I-Pod on my bed.

I like music. Not all music, but some music. Sometimes I don't have anything better to be doing, so I just lie on my bed and listen to music off of my I-Pod.You can see a picture of my I-Pod off the the right. My favorite song to listen to off my I-Pod is Rocky Mountain High by John Denver, which I am, in fact, listening to right now as I write this.
Anyways, I don't always regularly have nothing better to be doing, so there have been occasional times where I make time to just kick back and listen to music off of my I-Pod. Speaking of Rocky Mountain High, for what ever reason I could go on and on about that song. I can play the guitar a bit, but if I'm going to play anything off of it, it is generally going to be me playing Rocky Mountain High. I sing the song when I'm playing it on my guitar, but wouldn't doubt that my guitar playing skills are better than my singing skills. But this post isn't specificly about Rocky Mountain High, it is about me listening to my I-Pod on my bed so I won't drowned you in talk of one particular song. Maybe later I'll do a specific post on Rocky Mountain High. Well, moving on. White goes with pink, don't you think? I think so, that's why I have white earbuds to go with my pink I-Pod. I would have gotten pink, but that wasn't a color option. A few other songs that I have on my I-Pod includes Farewell Andromeda, (Take Me Home, Country Roads), and Rocky Mountain Suite. I also have a few pictures of myself on my I-Pod, but you don't really need to hear about that and probably don't want to. And I have a few pictures of other things on my I-Pod. So, I enjoying listening to songs often on my pink I-Pod while lying on my bed. I think that's about it for this post, see you next time! :)

Saturday, July 19, 2014


It rained where I am recently, so I thought I might as well do a post on it. When I say it rained, I mean it pour. It was a torrential down pour. There was small ponds cropping up all over the place and there was a spot out side of my side door that must have been a foot deep and going several feet in more than one direction. My house is in a bowl and I don't think the ground absorbs water very well so even not too much rain can cause flooding for me. Anyways, I like bathing and I like swimming so I don't mind a little rain. It's when it gets to the point were my sneckers would be ruined within 5 minutes because they would be fully underwater is the problem. I was going to get my mail with all this water outside, which was a problem. So I, quite literally, put on my bikini to go down to get my mail. And I put on a pair of purple boots. By the way, my mail is on the other side of the street I'm on. So, I open the door and step outside. The water was so deep that it went over my boots and filled them up. I wish I had taken my socks off before going outside. When I got back in my socks were r e a l l y hard to get off because they were so wet. Well I went down my driveway and crossed the road, no cars went by on my way down. I check the mail. I have several messages. However, I don't want to take them out because they'ld get ruined in the rain so I decided maybe I should get them tomarrow. I shut the mail box and grab my paper "The Denver Post" which is in a plastic bag. I thought about how I was getting the paper so it wasn't a complete waist of trip. Just than a big truck drove by a splashed me with a large wave of water which almost knocked me over. Although the water didn't make me any wetter as I was already drenched. At least this is the summer so the atmosphere was warm and the water wasn't fridged. I was wearing my bikini so the water wasn't too bad. Though, I was slightly annoyed that my boots weren't doing anything because the water had gone over my them and then they were full. My driveway wasn't holding any water because that piece of my yard is sort of flat and not a hole. I recrossed the room and went inside. I dropped the paper on the ground. I opened the door and took off both my boots and dumped the water outside. I shut the door. As I mentioned early, I had to fight really hard to get my socks off. Then I took off my bikini and through it in the laundry. Well, rain isn't too much of a problem for me, but I can have too much of it. But going down to get my mail gave me a free shower. Who can beat that?