Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Swimming while camping with friends.

I've posted a few posts about water before, but when I get on a roll talking about a topic I can have several posts that revolve around the same general thing. This might be my last post on water for a while. However, this post will have the majority of water, but it'll also be about my friends and I camping. Music is also something I've been posting a bit about. And a bit of both together. That also will have one more post than I might move onto something else. It's getting to be winter, so I'll probably do some posts on snow sometime soon. So, here I am, talking about swimming while camping with friends or wearing wet cloths around a campfire which is the first title I had before I change it to encompass a little bit more. I actually got the idea to talk a little about this from a different post I made at one point. I have taken several different types of vacations, one of them being camping. Before hand, I've talked about being caught in the rain and other incidents regarding water that sound like disasters. This one won't sound like that, I knew what I was getting myself into. It was summer, and me and some of my friends were staying at a cabin with a lake. We wanted the one with a lake, but we didn't realize that was the one we would get. We thought it was taken and we were going to be nowhere near there. So we arrived at our cabin and noticed the lake that was next to it. After being happy that we ended up with the lake after all, we realized that we had a
The dock and lake the cabin was near.
problem. We weren't expecting to go swimming so we hadn't packed any bikini's or swimwear. After we unpacked I thought about it, and decided I wasn't going to let something get in the way of me swimming, if my friends wanted to join me, that would be completely up to them. 10 minutes later, I ran down the dock and dived into the warm water in my tanktop and shorts. A first friend just dived right in after me, she was wearing I little more than I was. The second friend, took off a pair of short overalls she was wearing, before diving in, herself. A few of my other friends were a little more hesitant, one of them told me that she would rather keep her clothes dry, another seemed to avoid it by saying there was something else she'd rather be doing to enjoy herself. I don't blame them, they're not me (I like my swimming, and apparently so do some of my friends) and I wouldn't want to force them to do something they didn't want to do, though I wondered who would back out and who wouldn't. Around 4 or 5, my friends and I who were in the water got out and I started a campfire. Once it was roaring, we all sat around it to dry off. I accept my clothes being wet like this a lot more easily when, I'm not wearing much of it (and nothing formal) and I can easily dry off, like I am here, without having to actually take the clothes off. After we were dry, we roasted marshmallows, and sung while I played the guitar. Naturally I sung some John Denver songs, but we sung a few from a few other artists. The second day consisted of going to a few restaurants, going on a tour and relaxing. The third day was pretty close the the first day, only without the traveling part. Our last day, we left at about 11 in the morning just after having breakfast and packing up. So we stayed at there for 3 days I think. No, 3 nights. It was 4 daysish. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night, and we left on Monday. I had a good time there, and I think all my friends did too. When I left I didn't leave with any regrets. That could be the end of this topic. See you next time with: some snow post.

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