Monday, December 19, 2016


Hi everyone. Christmas is right around the corner. Even though I've finished most of my shopping, there always seems to be someone who's hard to shop for on the list. Other girls seem to always be easy to shop for, it's the guys that aren't always easy. I guess it's being a girl, that I understand what other girls my age want. I shop for presents for most of the girls in my dorm, but I don't shop for nearly as many guys. I do have some friends that are guys, and I get presents for them, but not as many. There's actually this one guy who is always hard to shop for. His name is David. He likes cooking, but I don't know him well enough to know what cooking supplies he does and doesn't already have.
On a different note, I like at least a dusting of snow on Christmas. We barely got that, but on the other hand it's better than nothing right? I don't think we got that much snow last year either. I remember there have been some Christmas' that I've had a lot of snow on Christmas.
I won't say what I got anyone for Christmas, just encase they read this before they open their gifts since I know several of the people I shopped for read this blog.
The college looks nice. Its got its tree up in the usually spot, on a green next to the library. The library itself has lights along some pillars and a small Christmas tree on some of the desks. There's also a fair size tree in each of the dormitories. Or I've been told about the male dormitory anyways, it's not like I've been in there to see it. All in all, I like the amount of the college that was decorated. Merry Christmas everyone!

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