Thursday, November 26, 2015


Hello everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving. Several of my friends have there own places to be today, but I still have several of them left to have a Thanksgiving dinner with. First, the guys went where they were going to go and the rest is having their own guys dinner or something. Of the girls, a few are ready to go in the stores when they open tomarrow. Some of them also went home for Thanksgiving. However, that still left me with several of my girlfriends to have Thanksgiving with. I'm spending Thanksgiving with my friends; Chloe, James, Ellie, and Barnes... Hmm. Now that I list them off the to myself, I realize that there isn't as many of them still here as I initially thought. The 5 of us aren't really good chefs like my friend David is, but we still got together a good meal. I do most of my cooking when camping which left me with a bit of experience cooking certain things. I cook a bit more than hot dogs and hamburgers when camping. With that said, there were a lot of leftovers so I wish Eli or Adam was here to minimize that. Either we will be throwing a lot out, or we will be having leftovers into December. We've got Christmas music running off the radio right now. My favorite Christmas song is John Denver and the Muppets singing The Twelve Days of Christmas.
This is how the turkey came out. I think it came out good.
We also had stuffing and cranberry sauce, the usual stuff that comes with a Thanksgiving meal. I'm certainly full from eating all of that. My friends and I enjoyed ourselves and our meal, how was yours? Hope the rest of you had a great Thanksgiving. Next post I'll probably be talking about getting ready for Christmas.

Friday, May 15, 2015

College Semester over.

Hey guys! My college semester just ended. Ya! WHOO! Anyways, that means now I can spend more time blogging without having to spend anytime doing homework. I could take some summer classes and get finished sooner, but after surviving that semester "barely" I think I'll pass. It's not that much time that would have been saved anyways. Below I have some pictures of what I've been doing since the semester ended.
 I got myself a coffee (actually I have a coffee right now as I write this) and did some walking around enjoying the weather. It's still too cold to go swimming though. However there is certainly less snow around than there was in January and February. Actually there isn't any snow in either of these pictures.
This bottom picture got taken half way through me doing some shopping. I'm not as big of a shopper as some of my girl friends, but I'm a girl. I still like my shopping. So, this is the first week after the my semester ended. For other college students, how is your first week off going? For anyone else, how's your spring going?

Little snow here.

Snow is essential for a lot of things.  Skiing and snow days to name two. Unfortunately, while the north-east, over by New York and that area, was getting constantly buried in snow and I'm sure was getting a lot snow days in colleges and being able to ski and sled and stuff like that, Denver was hardly got anything. In fact, Denver was getting just a little in January. February got some snow, though. March so far hasn't been to bad But in general, there was less snow than we usually get around here. Last January, Denver got like twice the amount of snow that it got this January. The positive thing, though, is that Denver and Colorado is a big skiing place so when snow falls below the amounts they need to skiing then it is still affordable for them to take out their snow machines and as much snow there as they need to open the ski resorts up. Actually, just the other day, my friend Adam and I were talking about how the north-east was getting all these storms Octavia and what ever, and how they're getting all of our snow. We're in the mountains here. Shouldn't all that snow of been coming our way?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Music on Myspace

Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about how you can listen to music on myspace and how it has change a bit. As I have mentioned before, I have a myspace account and something that I really like about myspace is that I can listen to music off of it. Most of my songs that I listen to off of it is songs by John Denver. Well, when I say most of my songs I mean all of them are by John Denver. It's great for posting and viewing other people's profiles and all kinds of stuff while having the music playing in the background. Changing pages at times did delay the music for a few seconds, but it picked right where it left off without a commercial or anything. However, the music on myspace has change a little bit. Nowadays, the music isn't working as well. Before, you could open up a video if you wanted to that went with the song, or have it closed and the song still played. Now the video has to be open for the music to play. Not only can the video get in the way if I'm not aiming to watch it, but when changing pages, it can take longer to reload, and sometimes I even get a commercial when I change pages. I have a friend who had his youtube and myspace logged in at the same time and he said that when a video played it automatically went into his youtube history. I don't have a problem with that but obviously he did. Also, sometimes the myspace can't find a video to go with the song and it breaks and won't play. I can't say I know every single person on myspace. Maybe they don't turn on the music as soon as they get on the sit or they don't find it as nessasary. Me, I like my music. I like to be able listen to music while doing what ever I happen to be doing on social media or otherwise. You could say I'm kind of a music freak. Anyways, that's my thoughts on myspace's music. Are you on myspace? If so, what are your thoughts?

Monday, January 5, 2015


Hello all! I said I may do a post on snow soon. Well, here it is. I've gotten a bit of snow. I like snow. It looks all pretty on the trees and it's great for skiing. Denver has already gotten it's first snow of the year, and as it is only 11 degrees out right now, I don't think it is going anywhere anytime soon. I was watching a bit of channel 7's news, and apparently Denver is going to be getting a few days of below zero temperatures. Brrr. I hasn't been below zero here since... Ok so it was below zero on the 31st of December at about -10... But that was last year. With this snow here, it's about time I went skiing again. I haven't gone since last winter. Maybe... once? Maybe I went in the last week of September, I did get some snow than. Anyways, skiing is something that I enjoy doing when there is snow.
This is a picture of one of the ski resorts I have gone to called Arapahoe Basin Ski Area. Rather than one, I have many ski areas I go to, or have gone to. Though for various reasons, I don't think other people generally have just one they use. A few maybe, but still more than one.
I put this picture up because I thought it was simple beautiful.

Fortunately for me, I've got quite a few pictures to share, so I'm going to post a few of them.
I'll probably do another post about snow or skiing or something before the winter is out so I'll save a few pictures for the next post. See you all later!