Friday, May 15, 2015

College Semester over.

Hey guys! My college semester just ended. Ya! WHOO! Anyways, that means now I can spend more time blogging without having to spend anytime doing homework. I could take some summer classes and get finished sooner, but after surviving that semester "barely" I think I'll pass. It's not that much time that would have been saved anyways. Below I have some pictures of what I've been doing since the semester ended.
 I got myself a coffee (actually I have a coffee right now as I write this) and did some walking around enjoying the weather. It's still too cold to go swimming though. However there is certainly less snow around than there was in January and February. Actually there isn't any snow in either of these pictures.
This bottom picture got taken half way through me doing some shopping. I'm not as big of a shopper as some of my girl friends, but I'm a girl. I still like my shopping. So, this is the first week after the my semester ended. For other college students, how is your first week off going? For anyone else, how's your spring going?

Little snow here.

Snow is essential for a lot of things.  Skiing and snow days to name two. Unfortunately, while the north-east, over by New York and that area, was getting constantly buried in snow and I'm sure was getting a lot snow days in colleges and being able to ski and sled and stuff like that, Denver was hardly got anything. In fact, Denver was getting just a little in January. February got some snow, though. March so far hasn't been to bad But in general, there was less snow than we usually get around here. Last January, Denver got like twice the amount of snow that it got this January. The positive thing, though, is that Denver and Colorado is a big skiing place so when snow falls below the amounts they need to skiing then it is still affordable for them to take out their snow machines and as much snow there as they need to open the ski resorts up. Actually, just the other day, my friend Adam and I were talking about how the north-east was getting all these storms Octavia and what ever, and how they're getting all of our snow. We're in the mountains here. Shouldn't all that snow of been coming our way?